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June 30th, 2024

Georgi Matev
Head of Product

Below is a summary of the great capabilities and improvements that the Alcion team has introduced in June.


Role-based access control

Addressing a common customer request, Alcion now supports role-based access control(RBAC). When managing users, Alcion administrators can control the level of access using a set of predefined roles. The effective permissions for each user are determined by the union of all permissions granted by the assigned roles.

RBAC - Users viewRBAC - Users view

RBAC - Add new userRBAC - Add new user

For more details, including the definition of each predefined role, see the relevant documentation.

Partner role tenant scoping

A common use case for Alcion's MSP clients is to restrict the delegated access of their staff only to the tenants for which staff members are responsible. Alcion now supports this workflow by making it possible to assign partner portal users the Tenant Operator role and further scoping it to one or more of the tenants under management.

Partner roles - Users viewPartner roles - Users view

Partner roles - Add new userPartner roles - Add new userPartner roles - Scope to tenantPartner roles - Scope to tenant

For more details, including full list of the partner portal level roles and scoping options, see the relevant documentation.

SharePoint lists

Alcion continues to expand its SharePoint data services capabilities and now supports backup and restore for SharePoint Lists.

Sharepoint ListsSharepoint Lists

For more details, see the relevant documentation.


  • Introduced a progress indicator to show the number of outstanding initial backups for each resource type.
  • Aligned the daily activity report statistics along the boundaries of the timezone set during account setup.
  • Improved the backup pruning algorithm to always retain the latest backup for archived resources.
  • Hardened security by alerting the old notification email on record when the preferred notification email changes.
  • Made the OneDrive files tab more recognizable when browsing user resource backups.
  • Improved navigation to identify resources that need user attention based on the last status backup summaries.
  • Clarified when filtering is applied on resource pages by adding a more visible tool tip.
  • Enhanced the robustness of long running resource discovery tasks.

Notable fixes

  • Fixed the background color of the daily backup charts on the main dashboard.
  • Fixed token validation of OneDrive and SharePoint item download URLs to significantly improve performance.
  • Fixed an issue where shared mailbox resources weren't filtered out during group-based policy management bulk updates.
  • Fixed a number of issues related to backup of teams channel messages.
  • Fixed the handling of intermittent Graph API failures when users are converted to shared mailboxes and mailboxes are deleted.

May 31st, 2024

Georgi Matev
Head of Product

In May, the Alcion team continued to improve our platform in response to customer feedback. Below is a summary of the new capabilities and improvements that are now available to current and future Alcion customers.


Group-based policy management - new user policies

Following the initial group-based policy management capabilities introduced in April, Alcion now allows applying default new user policies on Microsoft 365 groups/teams or Entra ID security groups. After a default policy is in place for a group, any users that are discovered as direct or transitive members of the group will automatically get the specified default new user policy. This capability allows Alcion administrators to fully automate applying protection without the need for explicit configuration changes when they provision new users or modify their organizational roles as indicated by membership in groups.

Group-based policy management - new user default policyGroup-based policy management - new user default policyGroup-based policy management - new user default policyGroup-based policy management - new user default policy

For more details, see the relevant documentation.

SharePoint pages

Alcion continues to expand its SharePoint data services capabilities and now supports backup and restore for SharePoint Pages.

Sharepoint PagesSharepoint Pages

For more details, see the relevant documentation.


  • Enabled editing of billing information independently of adding a payment method.
  • Changed billing notifications to be sent to the billing contact email, if specified, and not the overall Alcion notifications contact.
  • Improved the user experience around initial configuration and ongoing management on default policies for new resources.
  • Added a summary of the last attempted backup status for each resource type which improves the ability to quickly identify resources that may need attention from an Alcion operator.
  • Introduced a summary of the last attempted backup status for all protected resources in the Daily backup activity emails.
  • Added resource filtering based on the status of the last attempted backup.
  • Improved the user experience responsiveness when setting a backup policy for a single resource.
  • Enhanced handling of throttling errors when Microsoft Graph returns retry-after 0 headers.
  • Hardened retries and error handling if attachment restore operations are interrupted improving the overall resilience for large attachment restores.

Notable fixes

  • Fixed resource activity warning for resources with protection policy of None or Excluded.
  • Fixed an issue where the old ID wasn't removed when updating the billing tax ID.
  • Fixed some layout issue with the payment confirmation page on mobile devices.
  • Fixed an issue where resources were archived prematurely as a result of intermittent resource discovery failures.
  • Fixed exposing internal backup validation to end-users.
  • Fixed the ransomware threats detected statistics to include threat data from all sources.
  • Fixed an error where backups could fail if a SharePoint site contains document libraries with the same name.
  • Fixed an issue with intermittent auth token expiration for OneDrive backups.
  • Fixed failures when attempting to export emails with inline attachments without properly set content ID.

April 30th, 2024

Georgi Matev
Head of Product

April was another productive month for the Alcion team. Below is a summary of the new capabilities and improvements that are now available to current and future Alcion customers.


Group-based policy management - apply policy

One of the most frequent requests for Alcion has been the ability to use Microsoft 365 groups (including Teams enabled groups) and Entra ID security groups as a selection mechanism to efficiently apply policies to users that are either direct or transitive members of a group.

The capability allows Alcion administrators to prioritize protection based on already existing business structures that are often captured by groups. For example, protecting the data of all finance department employees can be done by applying a backup policy to the Finance Teams or security group.

Group-based policy management - apply policyGroup-based policy management - apply policy

For more details, see the relevant documentation.

Configurable e-mail notification preferences

Alcion now offers additional control over the categories of notifications that will be sent for an Alcion account. Additionally, administrators can also configure the email address where the notifications should be directed.

Notification preferencesNotification preferences

For more details, see the relevant documentation.


  • Included an indicator for the status of the latest attempted backup for each protected resource.
  • Enabled identifying resources in suspended status through resource filtering.
  • Simplified navigation from the Home page to relevant actions on the Activity page with direct links from elements of the Recent Activity chart.
  • Added display of more accurate recent net resource discovery and status changes.
  • Enhanced the Daily Activity notification emails to include resource net status changes.
  • Improved the indication that the activity score on newly created may not yet be properly initialized.
  • Made it possible to select all resources on a page or in search results to perform bulk actions.
  • Improved reliability of initial resource discovery when permissions granted to Alcion are slow to propagate.
  • Enabled navigation to failed actions directly from the resource pages.
  • Introduced the ability to remove managed tenants from the Alcion Partner Portal without support assistance when an active subscription hasn't been established yet.
  • Improved the user experience when an admin attempts to add to the Partner Portal a tenant that's already managed by a partner.
  • Added mechanism for announcing system or maintenance outages.
  • Improved backup performance for Exchange resources.
  • Improved export performance by 6x.
  • Improved backup resiliency when Exchange reports attachments as corrupt.
  • Improved PST export resiliency for events with timezone values other than the ones documented by Microsoft here

Notable fixes

  • Fixed an error occurring in some cases when customers with direct subscriptions visit the partner portal.
  • Fixed an issue with the View Related Activity action for site resources.
  • Fixed accidental double submission for backup deletion requests.
  • Fixed accidental double submission for backup policy changes.
  • Fixed cases when export from backups might fail because of insufficient CPU allocation.
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect pagination for filtering/searching for resource names containing reserved characters.
  • Fixed an issue where the reason for suspending a resource wasn't properly shown in the UI.
  • Fixed a problem where the recent number of completed backups on the Alcion Partner Portal may have been incorrect.
  • Fixed improper discovery of distribution lists as group resources.
  • Fixed errors when performing in-place restores which require replacing folders created for Teams channels.
  • Fixed a problem where site group unique permissions on SharePoint document library folders weren't restored.
  • Fixed cases where intermittent network failures could result in empty OneDrive or SharePoint restores.

March 31st, 2024

Georgi Matev
Head of Product

Below is a summary of the great new capabilities and improvements that the Alcion team has introduced in March.


Backups completing with exceptions

Alcion excels when it comes to the reliability and completeness of customer data backups, but on rare occasions backup of items may fail for reason external to Alcion. Some typical examples include, but aren't limited to, transient Microsoft API availability issues, corrupted or inaccessible items in the customer Microsoft 365 tenant, specific access restrictions, etc. The Alcion operations team actively investigates and remediates such failures but until now any error resulted in a failed backup, even if the vast majority of the data was successfully protected.

Alcion now allows backups with a small number of failures to complete with status Completed (with exceptions) and makes the data available for restores. The action details on the Activity page indicate which items were not backed up, and will be retried on subsequent attempts. The Alcion operations team continues to actively investigate and remediate such issues.

Partner delegated permissions managementPartner delegated permissions management

For more details, see the relevant documentation.

Partner delegated permissions management

Alcion now offers additional control over the permissions granted when a managed tenant is added to the Alcion portal by a partner that manages the tenant. Additionally, the admins of the managed tenant will have visibility into the permissions that the partner has for delegated management.

Partner delegated permissions managementPartner delegated permissions managementPartner delegated permissions managementPartner delegated permissions management

For more details, see the relevant documentation.

Audit of backup policy updates

In addition to providing visibility into data protection operations, the Activity page now also reflects policy configuration changes. This mechanism allows for effective auditing of who changed the protection settings and when the change was made.

Backup policy update activity detailsBackup policy update activity detailsBackup policy update activity detailsBackup policy update activity details

For more details, see the relevant documentation.


  • Improved efficiency when updating backup policies on a large number of resources
  • Reduced the retry interval for intermittent errors when initial resource discovery runs to improve the the overall user experience in such cases
  • Introduced selecting a default backup data region based on the timezone of the user performing onboarding
  • Added an indicator to show excluded and archived resources for a given resource type on the Alcion home page
  • Marked initial backups with labels to indicate that they may take longer than subsequent backups
  • Introduced indicators showing that there is a current backup in progress on the pages for a specific resource
  • Added a Backup Now option on the pages for a specific resource
  • Removed archived resources from the list of options when restoring to a different resource
  • Allowed filtering Activity actions only to a single resource
  • Disallowed duplicate sign-ups when a partner portal registration already exists. Additional users need to be invited.
  • Adjusted visibility of tenant actions on the Alcion Partner portal based on the permissions granted by each managed tenant
  • Added excluded resource counts to the Alcion Partner portal
  • Upgraded to the latest version of Corso which brings a number of functional, performance, and robustness improvements

Notable fixes

  • Fixed an issue with the layout of the managed tenant breakdown on partner invoices
  • Fixed an issue where backups couldn't complete for resources with multiple folders containing forward slashes
  • Fixed incorrect status notification text when changing policies
  • Fixed cases where successful re-drives initiated by the Alcion operations team weren't reflected on the original action
  • Fixed an issue where a tenant with an existing subscription was incorrectly allowed to register for the Alcion Partner portal
  • Fixed dark mode colors for the Alcion Partner portal
  • Fixed cases where the subscription tier wasn't always properly reflected on partner managed accounts

February 29th, 2024

Georgi Matev
Head of Product

February was an exciting month for us at Alcion. For the last few months, we've been working closely with a select group of Managed Service Provider (MSP) partners who were part of our Private Preview program to build an amazing experience for the rapidly increasing number of MSPs who are using Alcion to protect their customers. On February 13th, we unveiled Alcion for Partners to the world. I will cover some of the key capabilities below, but you can read more about the complete program details here.


Alcion for Partners

The Alcion for Partners program combines MSP-friendly engagement processes and terms as well as new partner-specific functionality (see below) delivered through the Alcion partner portal.

Multi-tenant management

The Alcion partner portal provides MSPs with a single dashboard for a consolidated operational view across all their managed customer accounts.

Alcion partner portalAlcion partner portal

For more details, see the relevant documentation.

Delegated administration

Alcion dramatically improves management efficiency and allows MPS admins, with the proper permissions, to switch between the multi-tenant context of the portal and the specific context of a customer tenant without the need to re-authenticate.

Alcion partner manage tenantAlcion partner manage tenant

For more details, see the relevant documentation.

Self-service customer tenant onboarding

MSPs can grow their business at their own pace and start managing new Alcion tenants for their customers without any involvement from Alcion’s sales, support, or operations teams.

Alcion partner tenant onboardingAlcion partner tenant onboarding

For more details, see the relevant documentation.

Consolidated billing

Finally, the Alcion partner portal allows MSP partners to manage a single subscription that automatically tracks license usage across all customer managed tenants.

Alcion partners billingAlcion partners billingAlcion partners billing breakdownAlcion partners billing breakdown

For more details, see the relevant documentation.

Resource and Action Filtering

We also haven't forgotten our non-partner users. One of the most common feature requests in recent weeks has been around additional controls when working with a large number of resources and actions. In response, Alcion now offers the ability to filter resources and actions on key fields such as backup policy, last backup date, activity level, etc.

Alcion resource filteringAlcion resource filteringAlcion resource filteringAlcion resource filtering

For more details, see the relevant documentation.


  • Introduced a new login page for the Alcion partner portal.
  • Added an option to enable automatic upgrades for annual plans when starting a subscription.
  • Improved the performance of Alcion UI operations such as policy changes or initiating on-demand backups.
  • Added an entry for Settings to the side navigation bar and made some visual style improvements.
  • Enabled MSP admins to get a breakdown of their billable users by customer account on consolidated invoices.
  • Force users to always chose an account when logging into Alcion, even if they're only logged into a single Microsoft 365 account.
  • Enhanced the Alcion UI will indicate as Suspended resources which are temporarily excluded from backups.
  • Upgraded to the latest version of Corso which brings a number of functional, performance, and robustness improvements. For more information on Corso specific changes please see the Corso changelog.

Notable fixes

  • Fixed a problem where resource discovery was reported as complete even when indexing was still incomplete.
  • Fixed a visual issue where the dialog for ongoing resource discovery was preventing access to the user profile and settings controls.
  • Fixed an issue when not all action menu entries were visible for entries close to the bottom of the screen on resource pages.
  • Fixed the title of the Incidents column in the partner portal.
  • Fixed scalability issues when using Set All Backups on a several thousand resources.
  • Fixed an issue allowing an MSPs to incorrectly add the same tenant to multiple portal instances.

January 31th, 2024

Georgi Matev
Head of Product

The Alcion team is off to a great start in 2024, and I'm happy to introduce the following new capabilities.


Manage Administrators

It's not uncommon that more than one user needs access and permissions to administer Alcion. It's now possible for an Alcion user to invite additional administrators or, if needed, revoke access that has been previously granted.

Manage adminsManage admins

Invite new adminsInvite new admins

For more details, see the relevant documentation.

Additional Email Notifications

Alcion now offers additional notifications for events that may require your attention. The following new notifications are now available:

  • First successful backup
  • Export failures
  • Export successful completions
  • Backup deletion requests

Backup deletion request notificationBackup deletion request notification

For more details, see the relevant documentation.

Contacts and Events PST Export

Following the introduction of PST export for email last month, it's now also possible to export contacts and events as a PST file.

For more details, see the relevant documentation.


  • Improved performance when loading a large number of actions.
  • Clarified error messages when attempting to start a backup and one is already in progress.
  • Daily activity emails now include the number of days remaining in trial.
  • Improved efficiency of ransomware detection by avoiding repeat analysis of items that haven't changed.
  • Ensured that the full backup following a preview backup isn't subject to scheduling restrictions.
  • Further optimized UI load times and responsiveness of actions.
  • Upgraded to the latest version of Corso which brings a number of functional, performance, and robustness improvements. For more information on Corso specific changes please see the Corso changelog.

Notable fixes

  • Fixed improper handling of unlicensed teams.
  • Fixed license discovery for users who have been removed in Microsoft 365.
  • Fixed automatic inactive session logout on inactive browser tabs.
  • Fixed an issue where excess licenses for annual subscriptions could be negative.
  • Fixed the backup calendar selector which incorrectly allowed range selection.
  • Fixed an issue where the full backup that follows preview backup might be subject to scheduling restrictions.
  • Fixed incorrect reporting of malware and ransomware incidents in historical stats.

December 31th, 2023

Georgi Matev
Head of Product

As 2023 draws to a close, the Alcion team is sending off the year in style with a great set of new capabilities and improvements.


Email PST Export

One of our most requested features is finally here! It's now possible to export one or more emails and email folders as a PST file which can then be accessed through Outlook or another PST-compatible mail client.

PST exportPST export

For more details, see the relevant documentation.

Preview Backup

Alcion is optimized for high-throughput when performing backups, but the first backup for a resource with a significant amount of data can take upwards of 30 minutes. This is normal and usually fine for a steady state deployment but can be really inconvenient when looking to quickly evaluate the full range of functional capabilities of any backup solution. To speed up their testing, we've seen users setup test environments or test resources with a limited amount of data. Such approaches work well, but do require a level of preliminary planning and extra work.

At Alcion, we greatly value the time of our users, which is why we introduced Preview Backups. During the first 5 days of a new trial, when the first backup for each resource type is requested, Alcion will create a partial, yet representative, backup of the resource. A Preview Backup typically completes in under 2 minutes, and a subsequent full backup automatically follows. Users don't have to wait and can use the Preview Backup like any other backup to evaluate the browse, search, restore, and export workflows.

Preview backup detailsPreview backup details

Preview backup browsingPreview backup browsing

For more details, see the relevant documentation.

Backup Calendar Selector

For any resource enabled for backups, Alcion allows you to select and browse all previously created backups. As the number of backups for a resource grows, it becomes more challenging to navigate to the desired backup. To address this issue, we introduced a calendar-based backup browsing control.

Backup calendar browserBackup calendar browser


  • Improved the ability to trace when a previously failed backup has been followed by a subsequent successful operator initiated retry.
  • Sped up loading of all key user interface pages.
  • Introduced statistics in export action details.
  • Added activity score for teams and groups resources.
  • Enabled the ability to restore OneDrive files from shared mailbox backups that were created before the resource was converted to a shared mailbox.
  • Disabled in-place and different location restore options which aren't applicable for archived resources.
  • Upgraded to the latest version of Corso which brings a number of functional, performance, and robustness improvements. For more information on Corso specific changes please see the Corso changelog.

Notable fixes

  • Fixed incorrect protected user count when the number is below the minimum licenses required for a tenant.
  • Fixed cases of incorrect negative compliance score.
  • Fixed inconsistencies with how In Progress backup actions are counted in the recent and full activity panels.
  • Fixed cases where paging controls were shown even when no additional pages are available.
  • Fixed missing sign out button on mobile devices.
  • Fixed an issue where the trial expiration notification wasn't always visible.

November 30th, 2023

Georgi Matev
Head of Product

The Alcion team continues to make improvements to our platform, and November was another productive month. Below is a summary of some of the new capabilities and improvements that our team introduced.


Partner Portal Private Preview

At Alcion, we're already working closely with Manager Service Providers and Partners who use Alcion to protect the Microsoft 365 data for their own clients. While Alcion makes managing each account a breeze, we've started adding capabilities that allow partners to monitor and manage multiple accounts at scale through the Alcion Partner Portal.

This offering is still in Private Preview and is only available to a handful of partners who are already providing great feedback to our team. If you are interested in joining the Private Preview program, please send us a request at

Alcion for partnersAlcion for partners

Resource classification alignment

Based on feedback, we've adjusted some of the classification rules that Alcion uses to determine the types of different resources. The changes are favorable when it comes to Alcion licensing and will generally result in fewer resources classified as billable users. Some of the key changes are:

  • Resources designated in Exchange as Shared Mailbox are no longer classified as Users if they have an active OneDrive.
  • Users without any assigned licenses will no longer be discovered by Alcion or if already discovered will be converted to Archived resources.

Resource typesResource types

For more details, see the relevant documentation.

Automatic annual plan upgrade

Given the popularity of our annual plans, Alcion administrators now have the option to automatically upgrade their subscriptions when the number of billable users exceeds the number of annual protected users they have purchased. This allows administrators to always take advantage of our lower annual rates.

If the option is enabled, each month, Alcion will add the required annual users to your subscription and will charge you a pro-rated amount for the remainder of the annual billing period.

Alcion for partnersAlcion for partners

For more details, see the relevant documentation.


  • Added the ability to upgrade the type plan for annual subscriptions.
  • Implemented blocking of multiple sign-ups from the same M365 domain to prevent accidental account duplication.
  • Added a link to navigate to the restore destination for OneDrive and SharePoint restore actions.
  • Enhanced the Quickstart option to start up to 4 of the scheduled backups it enables immediately.
  • Upgraded to the latest version of Corso which brings a number of functional, performance, and robustness improvements. For more information on Corso specific changes please see the Corso changelog.

Notable fixes

  • Fixed an issue where backups couldn't be found when navigating to a specific backup from the activity page.
  • Fixed an issue allowing an unsupported restore of multiple document libraries.
  • Fixed cases where notification emails are accidentally sent multiple times.

October 31st, 2023

Georgi Matev
Head of Product

As our team wraps up a great October, I wanted to summarize the new capabilities and improvements that we introduced in Alcion over the last month.


Microsoft teams

Support for Microsoft teams is here! Alcion discovers all your Teams and Groups.

In terms of supported data types, Alcion can backup messages in any standard, private, or shared Teams channel as well as files in the document libraries of the related SharePoint sites.

Microsoft Teams and GroupsMicrosoft Teams and Groups

SharePoint sites are still discovered and protected as separate resources, but the system also tracks the relationships between a Team or a Group and any associated sites. For convenience, the UI exposes the ability to navigate between these related resources.

Teams sites linkTeams sites linkSites filtered by teamSites filtered by team

For more details, see the relevant documentation.

Monthly annual subscription usage report

To make it easier for Alcion administrators to track the current number of protected users against their annual subscription, Alcion proactively sends a billing report before each intermediate monthly billing period. Administrators can use the information to modify their subscription or usage based on their business continuity, compliance, and budget goals.

Microsoft Teams and GroupsMicrosoft Teams and Groups

For more details, see the relevant documentation.


  • Provisioning a new Alcion account now takes a minute or less. No more waiting to get started!
  • Single file exports are no longer a ZIP file and retain the original item name by default.
  • Notifications include the domain associated with a given Alcion account.
  • Notification preferences can be controlled from a link in each notification email.
  • Self-service upgrade for annual subscriptions. No more need to contact support when you want to increase the number of your annual licenses.
  • Clear indication of the current protected users against your annual subscription, including estimated charges for on-demand excess protected users on the subscription page.
  • Upgraded to the latest version of Corso which brings a number of functional, performance, and robustness improvements. For more information on Corso specific changes please see the Corso changelog.

Notable fixes

  • Fixed an incorrect resource type displayed when setting up default policy for newly discovered resources.
  • Fixed cases where the resource discovery dialog is incorrectly dismissed before completing discovery.
  • Fixed Activity Insights that weren't properly reported when a Microsoft 365 tenant has turned off anonymized data for usage reports.
  • Fixed the ability to restore Shared Mailbox items to another resource, including a user.

September 30th, 2023

Georgi Matev
Head of Product


Welcome to another installment of our monthly changelog! On behalf of the Alcion team, I'm happy to share with you the new capabilities and improvements that we've made generally available over the month of September.

File export from backups

One of the most common feature requests since our Public Preview launch has been the ability to export data from backups locally as opposed to restoring it back to the original Microsoft 365 environment. Alcion now offers this capability for OneDrive and SharePoint files.

Export - initiateExport - initiateExport - downloadExport - download

For more details, see the relevant documentation.

Ransomware and malware detection insights

Alcion now provides administrators with additional transparency into ransomware detection functionality, resulting in additional peace of mind that their data is protected against cyber attacks.

At a resource level, Alcion exposes the training progression for a given resource and the level of confidence that the anomaly model can achieve. The model can provide reliable predictions after 30 days of backup observations and reaches full strength after 90 days.

Additionally, administrators have access to account-level historical stats about the number of ransomware and malware threats detected.

Ransomware - initial trainingRansomware - initial trainingRansomware - reliable strengthRansomware - reliable strengthRansomware - maximum strengthRansomware - maximum strength

For more details, see the relevant documentation.

Self-service annual billing

Building on our previous release of self-service month-to-month billing, Alcion customers no longer need to work with our support team when they want to take advantage of our discounted rates on annual subscriptions. Alcion now allows you to start an annual subscription completely independently.

Self-service annual paymentSelf-service annual payment

For more details, see the relevant documentation.


  • Simplified self-service billing with filtering applicable VAT/GST ID based on the customer billing address.
  • Ransomware detection model improvements for cases where the activity involves unrecognized file types.
  • Allow restores to succeed with a warning in cases where file permissions can't be restored because the user account no longer exists.
  • Improved the reliability and efficiency of the Alcion backup scheduling.
  • Upgraded to the latest version of Corso which brings a number of functional, performance, and robustness improvements. For more information on Corso specific changes please see the Corso changelog.

Notable fixes

  • Removed Microsoft Bookings pages which were incorrectly discovered as users.
  • Fixed incorrect reporting of SharePoint site name when excluding sites from backups.
  • Made account settings menu accessible on smaller width devices.
  • Fixed attempts to retrieve subscription information before the Alcion account is properly initialized.
  • Fixed errors when bulk applying policy changes to too many resources causes the request payload to become too large.