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September 30th, 2023

Georgi Matev
Head of Product


Welcome to another installment of our monthly changelog! On behalf of the Alcion team, I'm happy to share with you the new capabilities and improvements that we've made generally available over the month of September.

File export from backups

One of the most common feature requests since our Public Preview launch has been the ability to export data from backups locally as opposed to restoring it back to the original Microsoft 365 environment. Alcion now offers this capability for OneDrive and SharePoint files.

Export - initiateExport - initiateExport - downloadExport - download

For more details, see the relevant documentation.

Ransomware and malware detection insights

Alcion now provides administrators with additional transparency into ransomware detection functionality, resulting in additional peace of mind that their data is protected against cyber attacks.

At a resource level, Alcion exposes the training progression for a given resource and the level of confidence that the anomaly model can achieve. The model can provide reliable predictions after 30 days of backup observations and reaches full strength after 90 days.

Additionally, administrators have access to account-level historical stats about the number of ransomware and malware threats detected.

Ransomware - initial trainingRansomware - initial trainingRansomware - reliable strengthRansomware - reliable strengthRansomware - maximum strengthRansomware - maximum strength

For more details, see the relevant documentation.

Self-service annual billing

Building on our previous release of self-service month-to-month billing, Alcion customers no longer need to work with our support team when they want to take advantage of our discounted rates on annual subscriptions. Alcion now allows you to start an annual subscription completely independently.

Self-service annual paymentSelf-service annual payment

For more details, see the relevant documentation.


  • Simplified self-service billing with filtering applicable VAT/GST ID based on the customer billing address.
  • Ransomware detection model improvements for cases where the activity involves unrecognized file types.
  • Allow restores to succeed with a warning in cases where file permissions can't be restored because the user account no longer exists.
  • Improved the reliability and efficiency of the Alcion backup scheduling.
  • Upgraded to the latest version of Corso which brings a number of functional, performance, and robustness improvements. For more information on Corso specific changes please see the Corso changelog.

Notable fixes

  • Removed Microsoft Bookings pages which were incorrectly discovered as users.
  • Fixed incorrect reporting of SharePoint site name when excluding sites from backups.
  • Made account settings menu accessible on smaller width devices.
  • Fixed attempts to retrieve subscription information before the Alcion account is properly initialized.
  • Fixed errors when bulk applying policy changes to too many resources causes the request payload to become too large.