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June 30th, 2023

Georgi Matev
Head of Product

The Alcion team has been busy over the last month! We've shipped a large number of improvements, big and small, in this time! Some of the highlights are below.


Simplified Protection Workflows

Quick startQuick start

This feature makes it easier for new Alcion users and, in particular, new trial users, to get started. You can now protect all your resources, existing and future, with a single click when you onboard your tenant. We hope it will make it extremely straightforward for you to test Alcion backing up all your resources at zero cost during the trial period.

Action Details

Action detailsAction details

We're constantly working to incorporate your feedback, and this is one of those items. Users wanted more visibility around completed backup and restore actions, and the capability is now available. As the above screenshot shows, Alcion displays a lot more information including times, durations, data statistics, and more!


The last month also included many smaller but important improvements to our platform:

  • The version of Corso used by Alcion was upgraded. This brought in large performance improvements for backup and restore speeds and fixed bugs when handling large attachments.

  • Backup scheduling was improved to further isolate "noisy" tenants from the rest of the system and improve your quality of service.

  • For tenants with large number of users or sites, we also improved resource discovery. Alcion no longer blocks on full discovery but will instead iteratively display discovered resources.

Notable fixes

We also had a few minor, but notable fixes, that went in:

  • The restore API now includes complete statistics.
  • UI improvements to increase the robustness of multi-resource selection.
  • Fixed UI button sizing inconsistency as things being just slightly off bugs us as much it bugs you.
  • Cleaned up failure semantics when backups fail (for example, when Microsoft has an outage in the middle of an ongoing backups).